Silver-studded Blue

Silver-studded Blue
Silver-studded Blue, Iping Common

Sunday 10 July 2011

That one little letter...

Joined the Sussex Butterfly Group 'White Letter Hairstreak' walk up at Hollingbury this afternoon - having 'dipped' on this species a few times on previous occasions I wasn't too hopeful, but if I was ever going to see one I thought this would be my best chance. After 45 minutes or so I was starting to think the former might run true again but then, there she (or he?) was, a 'little dark triangle' silouetted against the sky - on, surprisingly not an elm but a walnut tree! Then lower down another - this time we were afforded much closer views of this enigmatic little butterfly. A second was seen soon after - so at least 2, maybe 3 in total and even a few photos to boot - though the stiff breeze didn't help. A good hour and half 'butterflying'. Other species seen today, included Small White, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, and Comma (and Red Admiral and Marbled White by the group). Thanks to Caroline for leading the walk and helping spot this ever so hard to see species!


White-letter Hairstreak Satyrium w-album

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you got some photos of the WLH. I couldn't make the walk, but now I know where to go I hope to see the little fellas myself - wish me luck!
